Monday, March 27, 2006

Where did the time go?
(Friday, March 24th, 2006)

With only 1 day until our departure, we wanted to go back to the Tech High School to play some more worship music and give a message. We were already very familiar with most of the students, having played in and watched their “intramurals” Soccer Tournament in which grades play agaisnt each other. The kids happily greeted us as we arrived. Ryan, Richard, Pastor Welcome and Nick led them in some worship songs. With an outside setting in somewhat of an open courtyard and it being early in the morning, we were worried about getting participation from the crowd. (unlike the other high school where the students were bouncing around, climbing trees to see in, etc. this one was a bit more mellow) But, we played with passion and also had these students singing, clapping, and jumping around! Then, Becky gave an awesome message about serving others and explained why we came to Loskop. She spoke with a huge heart for the Lord and the students were listening attentively.

As we walked home with our instruments (Ryan w/ Guitar and Nick w/ Jimbay), many Zulu people commented to Pastor Welcome that they were amazed that white people could play music and have rythym! One woman asked Ryan to play her a song as she was walking to the Health Clinic. Without hesitation, Ryan serenaded her a song in Zulu about Jesus. Her face filled with joy as she listented to him play!

While Brian, Mike, Wendy and Becky hung at the cottages, Nick, Ryan, Richard and Pastor Welcome made the 2 hour round trip drive to Petermaritzbug to pick up the soccer t-shirts we would be giving to the players in the tournament and other last minute items.

After dinner, we had planned to start a fire and sing songs for the children and make Smores. Although the rain washed away our plans to stay outside, we still used the fire to make Africa Smores (tea bisbuits, marshmellows, and chocolate syrup). It was a bittersweet moment to laugh and play with the kids, knowing we were leaving in the morning. But, all the joyful faces, smiles and hugs were well worth it!

After the kids went to bed and the rain stopped, we sat around the campfire with some of the long-term missionaries staying at the cottages (Pyllis, Scott, and Carolyn). Ryan led some worship songs while many of us reminisced over the last 2 weeks in our minds. The night ended with a very emotional speech by Ryan. He publically thanked Pastor Welcome for the friendship and fellowship that they had created over the 2 weeks. Aknowledging that Pastor Welcome had showed him an entire new side to worship, Ryan thanked him by giving his guitar. (Ryan had been teaching Welcome to play, and the Lord has blessed this greatly! Pastor Welcome has already been leading songs at church and bible study after only playing for a week and a half!) It was an extremely touching moment that summed up our trip. Not only did we come to South Africa to serve and minister to others, we came to be ministered to and have our life changed forever…and it has.

*submitted by the team


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