Monday, March 13, 2006


As you can imagine, traveling 3 continents in 3 days on 3 flights with 3 delays can be a little tough on the body-not to mention the smelly feet, greasy hair and oily skin! But, we are safe and ready to do the Lord’s work!

Our time in Paris was much needed for our team to continue to learn more about each other and bond. On the train ride, we met a girl who goes to UNCW…small world!
Then, it was off to prayer time in Notre Dame Cathedral, hanging at the Eiffel Tower, and walking down the streets in one big blob due to the freezing cold and icy rain-we had a blast! It was great to sit in a classic French coffee shop and share how God had tugged on our hearts to serve in South Africa, as well as talk through some of our nervousness.

Upon our arrival in Joburg, our new friend Richard greeted us at the airport. Richard is an Agathos staff member from Seattle who is currently serving an 8-month trip in Loskop, the village where we will be staying. He took us to the Apartheid Museum in Joburg, where we brushed up on South African history. The information we learned about Apartheid was truly amazing. Feelings of anger, embarrassment, sorrow, and shame, amongst others, traveled with us during the tour. However, it was a great tool for us as we try to minister to the Zulu people.

After the museum, it was time for our four-hour trip south to Loskop. This, as we found out, was not as easy as it seemed! With Richard having just arrived in South Africa 2 months ago and Nick riding shotgun and navigating, we began to take the “scenic” route. It came to the point where we were continuing to see the same things over and over again! But, as you can imagine…the Lord had a reason for all of this!

We pulled into a gas station to ask for directions and to grab a quick bite (think of how tough this was seeing that the number of guys in the van overwhelmingly outweighed the number of women!). When we parked, a little African boy was searching through the trash for food. Brian offered to buy him some dinner, and Nick started to talk to him and learn his story…His name was Jeffrey and he is a 13 year old in Grade 8. He was wearing a worn down pair of boots that were about 3 sizes too big for him. About a month ago, his mom died in an accident (most likely Aids-most of the Africans are in denial and never say that Aids is the cause of death). He has 3 younger brothers, and they now live with his Grandma. But, she doesn’t work and cannot collect any insurance money because she doesn’t have an ID. Jeffrey has tried to get odd jobs, but people always tell him he’s too young. So, he told us that to provide for his family, he has to go around and beg for food and money. At 13 years old! While we continued to chat with Jeffrey, he told us about an experience he had at Sunday school earlier in the day. The teacher had asked a question about where Jesus was, and Jeffrey raised his hand and told her that Jesus was in the sky. She corrected him and said that Jesus was in our hearts. He was SO excited to tell us about Jesus being in his heart! Can somebody out there shout AMEN for what the Lord is doing!

Before we headed back on the road, we sent Jeffrey off with food for his family, soccer cleats (which he wore home), a soccer ball, toothbrushes, soap and deodorant. Numerous times he thanked us and said, “God bless you.” What an amazing way for the Lord to start us off!

Our anticipation increased as we continued on towards Loskop. Unfortunately, our gas in the van did the exact opposite, and we ran out of gas! Yes, you read that right…in the middle of South Africa, at night, on a deserted highway, we ran out of gas! Luckily, a tow truck came by after a good while and took Richard to get some gas. What are you trying to show us now God?! (read on to see…)

About 20 minutes outside of Loskop, we laughed and talked about how our day could not have been any more interesting…that was, until we almost ran over a body in the road. In the middle of another dark, desolate road, was a man lying smack in the middle. Obviously, our first thoughts were that this man was dead. We immediately called the police, and turned our van around to go see if we could help him. We all got out to examine the man, and to our joy and astonishment, he was breathing! Actually, snoring…we assumed (and hoped) that he was really drunk. It was a rather peculiar situation-remember, we were in the middle of NOWHERE with nothing around us! We then all realized that this could very well be a setup for us to get car jacked or robbed, so we decided to get back in the van, lock the doors, and wait for the police. This turned out to be an extremely tense 30 minutes, thinking the entire time that something was going to happen-a passerby who approached our van to see if we needed help even showed us that he was not armed…our faces must of given away our nervousness! Just before the police arrived, a taxi van came barreling down the road. Although our van was facing this taxi with our flashers on, it barely came to a complete stop, almost hitting the man in the road. (Just think…if our flight didn’t arrive late, if we didn’t get lost outside or Joburg which gave us the opportunity for a longer stop to minister to Jeffrey, and if we didn’t run out of gas, we would of not been there to see the man in the middle of the road…and without us there, he would of most likely been hit by that taxi…WE SERVE AN AMAZING GOD!) By the way, the police came, and the man WAS drunk…he finally woke up after three of the officers carried to the side of the road.

So…pretty interesting first day in South Africa to say the least! We want to thank you for the continued prayers. Please lift up Becky, as she is still not feeling well, and Ryan and Brian, as they were unable to sleep on the planes and have been up for 2 days straight. Also, please pray that we will continue to feel the Lord and have Faith in the crazy situations that have already begun to occur over here…we’re sure they aren’t the last!

We’ll end today with a quick “shout out” from Wendy… “To Cole and Clay, mommy loves you! Love you Rick, water the plants” J

We’ll talk to everyone tomorrow!


At 11:42 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! What a great God we serve!
Keeping you all in my prayers. Peace

At 5:28 PM EST, Blogger Chad K Miller said...

What an incredible journey so far. Thanks for the post, it was encouraging to hear. We will keep praying for you!

At 7:21 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dad! i miss u!

At 7:24 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello dad,
I hope you are having a great time!
Hope to hear from you soon.

At 3:41 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big bro: you are awesome! Keep doing a great job and what the Lord guides you to do. I will be praying for all of you on your trip and I know you will be guided to do great things over there! You all rock!

At 6:04 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy's Mom says
Oh! my,my--Running out of gas!! How
a mother worries. Blessings to you all. Amy & Lyle say HI and Dad wonders why you didn't pack gas. You packed everything else you could think of. Please be safe!! See Ya Soon!!!

At 7:29 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is so good! We are so glad you all arrived safely and are not only amazed but are also inspired by how God started using you from the beginning. We hope to see some pictures of Jeffrey.

Stay strong, be rested - know that you are being lifted up in prayer probably every second of every day you all are over there. We love each and every one of you and look forward to reading and (hopefully) seeing more updates as God continues to light a path for you.

The Fredrick Family

At 7:47 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you & love very much! Zurbert's!!! Can't wait to see you again. Cole,Clay and DaddyRick

At 7:57 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicklas my brother...awesome word and moving of the Lord. this is great. I can totally see how he is moving you to prepare you and use you for his work. So cool how Jeffery ministered to you guys...doesn't it happen that way, you go to minister and the Lord sends what you need before you know you need it. Tracy just walked in...we are both praying for you and with you all in spirit. Tell Wendy not to worry about the plants...just like her. Give all the kiss of peace and love from those of us in the family of the Lord. Know that when you look up at night into the immense sky that He who set the stars and moon, and worship Him, that we too are looking up into an immense sky over these islands and worshipping with you. I think If I took off swimming due SWW I could reach the eastern coast within a year or two. Stand by, I'll be there soon. Love you brother...TJ

At 3:25 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! This reads like a great suspense novel. I look forward to the future chapters. Guys, I am so proud of you for selflessly following your heart.
May God continue to bless your steps! Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.

At 11:20 PM EST, Blogger Jean W. said...

Hi Becky!
I pray you are feeling better. We prayed for you tonight at Bible study. Keep on pressing through in the Lord's strength. I know He has special plans for you there.
Love ya, Jean :)

At 3:14 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone
I spoke with the team today. They are doing great! Becky is well again, thank you for your prayers. They have written each day but are having difficulty getting the blog connected in SA. PLease pray they are able to connect tomorrow. They are going to try again but it is a 30 minute trip each way to town. Also, please pray for the rain to redirect away from them;as the soccer tournament starts this weekend and it is expected to rain all day Friday and Saturday. They all sound happy and are having a great time. Please just keep praying for God's wisdom and guidance in everthing that they do.

Also, the team will share April 9 at hope chapel, Apex, NC at 6 pm
Please join them if you can.

At 4:13 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Becky. So glad you are feelin better. Prayers for you and the team are a constant part of my day. Ran out of gas? Oh, me! A man in the road? Oh, my! Glad God is in control! Love you, Mom

At 6:26 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy, it is Mom!! Talked with the boys last nite. Cole went to soceer practice and is doing fine.
Clay is excited about going to practice tonight. Weather is great, but we need rain. Will be glad when you are home, but know you are doing a great thing.

At 6:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is 5:30 Thursday morning. Dad, Amy, Lyle & I just got back from walking. We told Rick he owed us and needed to come to our house to walk in the morning, but he coped out. He is coming for supper tonight. We continue to pray for all of your safety and will be glad to see you in a few more days.
Love Mom & Dad


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